REMO-CHM team provides oceanographic forecasting products on the Internet
The REMO-CHM team started to provide products of oceanographic forecasts of current and sea surface temperatures on the Internet (, on the link "Numeric Weather Forecast". The predictions are generated by the regional application of the HYCOM numerical model, with assimilation of altimetry and sea surface temperature data obtained by satellite, processed on a high-performance CHM computer. The Hybrid Coordinate Ocean Model (HYCOM) is a general ocean circulation model that solves primitive equations of ocean hydrodynamics and is employed in several institutions for research purposes and for operational oceanographic forecasting.
The development of this specific application is the result of the interinstitutional partnership between the Navy (CHM), PETROBRAS, FURG, UFBA, UFRJ and USP, in the Oceanographic Modeling and Observation Network (REMO) project. The simulations are performed in a three-dimensional grid that covers the METAREA-V / NAVAREA-V area, Brazil's responsibility, with horizontal spatial resolution of 9 km and 21 vertical levels, with forecasts every 6 hours, for a period of 90 hours.
With the data generated by the numerical forecast it is possible to increase the knowledge of the oceanographic conditions throughout the Blue Amazon, in support of the Naval Operations and contributing to the safety of the navigation and the scientific research of the marine environment