REMO celebrates 10 years in the 17th COLACMAR


REMO celebrates 10 years in the 17th COLACMAR (Latin American Congress of Sciences of the Sea) from 13-17 November / 2017 held in Balneário Camboriú - SC. Profa Janini Pereira from REMO-UFBA presented the seminar entitled "THE OCEANOGRAPHIC MODELING AND OBSERVATION NETWORK (REMO): BRIEF HISTORICAL AND CURRENT STAGE", talking about how REMO was started by researchers from 2007 with the participation of several universities (UFRJ, UFBA, FURG, USP), research institutes (IEAPM and CENPES) and operational center (CHM). In its first phase (2007-2010), the major efforts were focused on infrastructure (high performance computers, etc.), testing and selection of ocean models. The second phase (2010-2015) focused on the development of computational models and tools for data assimilation, and the third phase (2016-2019) is focused on improving forecasting models and data assimilation methodologies, slope of observations with buoys and gliders. She also emphasized the general objective of REMO to develop scientific and technological knowledge in the area of ​​physical oceanography, ocean modeling and data assimilation, in order to study oceanographic processes, demands of the Brazilian Navy and the oil and gas industry.