REMO participates in the organization of the first International Workshop on Operational Oceanography in Developing Countries, based in Beijing, China, 2013


REMO, represented by Drs. Clemente A. S. Tanajura and Mauro Cirano, was part of the scientific committee that assisted in the organization of the first International Workshop on Operational Oceanography in Developing Countries. The event took place from 9 to 12 September 2013 in Beijing, China and was promoted under the 12th Chinese Academy of Sciences - The World Meteorological Organization (CAS-TWAS-WMO) Forum under the leadership of Prof. Jiang Zhu, director of the Institute of Atmospheric Sciences (IAP / CAS). The scientific committee was coordinated by Prof. Qingcun Zeng and Prof. Jiang Zhu (IAP / CAS) and composed of 8 researchers representing China, Brazil, India and South Africa. The workshop was attended by 48 researchers representing 8 countries (China, India, Brazil, South Africa, Chile, Indonesia, Nigeria and Kenya). Brazil was represented by 10 researchers, 5 of whom are associated with REMO. The Brazilian institutions that participated in the event included: the National Institute of Space Research (Dr. Luciano P. Pezzi), the Federal University of Bahia (Dr Clemente AS Tanajura and Mauro Cirano, MsC Leonardo N. Lima and Davi Mignac), the Federal University of Rio Grande (Drs. Osmar O. Möller and Maurício M. Mata), the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (Dr. Afonso M. Paiva) and the University of São Paulo (Dr Edmo JD Campos and Ricardo de Camargo ). Several operational oceanography activities have been presented and are being developed by the participating countries, some with strong international collaboration. A more detailed description of the event will be submitted for publication in EOS / AGU and BAMS / AMS and a special edition with the main papers presented at the event will be published in Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters. It is hoped that this Forum will gain permanent character through joint work and regular meetings.