Prof. Jiang Zhu and IAP / CAS Dr. Jiping Xie visit UFBA


The Prof. Jiang Zhu, director of the Institute for Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (IAP / CAS), and Dr. Jiping Xie, a researcher from the same institute visited UFBA between July 22 and 27, 2012. These researchers are experts in oceanic modeling and data assimilation and has several papers published in the scientific literature. They participate in the GODAE OceanView community and have come to UFBA to maintain collaboration with REMO in oceanographic data assimilation. They gave lectures and discussed data assimilation methodologies for the HYCOM model. The visit was offered with the presence of doctoral Vladimir Santos, student of Prof. Afonso Paiva from COPPE-UFRJ, who develops his thesis in assimilation at HYCOM. The Prof. Zhu will return to Brazil soon for IV GODAE OceanView Science Team Meeting to be held at Hotel Mirador, Rio de Janeiro from November 5 to 9, 2012.