REMO is presented to GODAE OceanView


The REMO was presented to the scientific committee of the international project GODAE OceanView in a presentation on October 6, 2010 at JAMSTEC, Tokyo, Japan. REMO was invited to participate in this meeting that took place between October 4 and 6 to present to the committee of GODAE OceanView an overview of the work carried out in Brazil in operational oceanography and to request admission to the project. In addition to the work carried out by the CHM, COPPE-UFRJ, IO / USP, UFBA and FURG - REMO members - the work done at CPTEC / INPE and IAG / USP was also mentioned. In addition to REMO, a group from the National Institute of Oceanic Services of India also presented its activities in operational oceanography. All presentations are available at At the meeting the current state of development of the GODAE OceanView was presented, the work plan covering the period 2011-2013 was planned, and new targets were set for the working groups. GODAE OceanVIew has working groups in: Intercomparison of Simulations and Forecasts; Sensitivity Experiments to Observations; Biogeochemical cycles; Coastal and Continental Platform Modeling; High resolution coupled prediction.