REMO Researchers participate in Summer School

Researchers M.Sc. Igor Monteiro and Dr. Clemente AS Tanajura participated in the "International Summer School for Observing, Assimilating and Forecasting the Ocean" in Perth, Western Australia, January 11-22, 2010. The School was an activity of the Global Ocean Data Assimilation Experiment - GODAE Ocean View and received 70 students from all continents. Its objective was to present state-of-the-art in operational oceanography and associated advances in oceanography. The School was funded by the Bureau of Meteorology of Australia, CSIRO / Australia, NOAA, IOC-Perth and University of Western Australia Perth, Western Australia. The course content covered the latest advances in ocean observing systems, data analysis methods, data assimilation methods, and ocean modeling. Among the experts who offered classes and lectures were: Harley Hurlburt - NRL, Stennis Space Center, USA; Eric Chassignet - Florida State University, COAPS, USA; Pierre Brasseur - CNRS / LEGI, Genoble, France; Pierre-Yves Le Traon - Ifremer, France; Andreas Schiller - CSIRO, Australia; Andrew Moore - University of California, Santa Cruz, among others. Important contacts were established between REMO members and members of the OceanView GODAE scientific committee, Dr. Andreas Schiller (CSIRO) and Dr. Eric Dombrowsky (Mercator-Ocean). These contacts dissociated actions with the objective of inserting REMO into GODAE.