LAS Remo is the only Latin American on the NOAA / PMEL list


The REMO data management software, LAS (Live Access Server) was added in July 2010 in the official NOAA / PMEL list in the "non-US" section. It is the only record in the list of a LAS implemented in Brazil and Latin America. The LAS-REMO system was developed in the Laboratory of Applied Meteorology of the UFRJ (LMA), as a configurable Web 2.0 System to provide access, visualization and manipulation of the meteorological data through a friendly interface. In the LMA the system (LAS-UPLOAD) was also developed, a complex tool for automation of the insertion of data in the base LAS, using a processing of the data files. File concatenation by NCO library and later by Opendap / Thredds was the result of extensive experience gained in manipulating netCDF files. There is no news of similar tool. LAS-UPLOAD has several functionalities, among them: user authentication and history management, user management, verification of the suitability of the file to netCDF-COARDS format and pre-processing and automatic aggregation of netCDF files. LAS-REMO and LAS-UPLOAD were customized to meet requirements to run on the Neptune cluster. The implementation of these required a complex configuration to separate data application, as well as a structure of permissions and configurations of prerequisite applications.