I Seminar on Oceanographic Numerical Modeling

The Institute of Studies of the Sea Almirante Paulo Moreira (IEAPM) will hold, between September 22nd and 25th, 2008, the 1st SEMINAR ON OCEANOGRAPHIC NUMERICAL MODELING (I ModOceano). This will be the first meeting at the IEAPM that will focus on advances in numerical modeling, data assimilation and ocean forecasting. The forecast of the oceanic circulation of meso and broad scales is one of the areas of Oceanography that has attracted the interest of the scientific community, the private sector and military institutions, demanding a considerable investment in research and development. There is a worldwide effort to develop regional and global ocean forecasting systems. These efforts are aimed at simulating current and density fields to improve the prediction of environmental impacts from leaks and / or spills (from hydrocarbons and other substances), to support rescue and rescue operations at sea (SAR) and military tactics, and to make more reliable the atmospheric forecasting and operations systems of the oil and fishing industry. In this context, at the national level there are also collaborations of research institutions aimed at obtaining an oceanic and coastal forecasting system for the Brazilian coast. OI ModOceano will provide the establishment of a new forum, with an international scope, focused on discussions on the state of the art of numerical circulation modeling, aiming to provide the Brazilian oceanographic community with a scientific debate focused on the development of a forecasting system . The presence of Dr. Eric Chassignet (Florida State University, USA), Avijit Gangopadhyay (University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, USA), Markus Jochum (National Center for Atmospheric Research - NCAR), Alberto Piola (Naval Hydrography Service - Argentina) and several other researchers from universities and research centers in Brazil.