Layered Ocean Model Workshop 2009


Between June 1 and 3, 2009, the Layered Ocean Model Workshop 2009 was held at the Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science (RSMAS) of the University of Miami, USA, with members of REMO Dr. Clemente AS Tanajura (UFBA ), Dr. Renato Ramos da Silva (UFBA) and Commander Jean Felix de Oliveira (DHN). The objective of the meeting was the presentation and discussion of results in the state of the art of oceanic modeling with models formulated in layers, and also, delineation of problems to be approached in the next meetings. The meeting brought together several experts at HYCOM, including Drs. Rainer Bleck, Eric Chassignet, Srinivasan Aswanth and Alan Walcraft. This model used in REMO for the production of large-scale and meso-scale oceanic numerical forecasts since September 2009. The REMO group presented work with preliminary results of the large-scale oceanic forecasting system. In addition to exhibiting the work and keeping in touch with researchers from various countries, the group has gained an overview of the various fronts currently underway with HYCOM in the USA, France, Norway, UK and Portugal. A specific session was devoted to discussions on the development of the HYCOM model. The agenda of the meeting and the papers presented can be found at